Bladder cancer

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There are many practical things to deal with when you have cancer.

You need to decide where to have tests and treatments, and work out how much everything will cost. Some people need help at home, or have concerns about money, work or legal issues. 

Family members and people who care for someone with cancer can also need information and support.

Use this section to find out where you can get help and support.

Finding support

Choose the option that best suits your situation

People with cancer may need a range of information and support at different times.
Find out where you can get support as a carer
Find support if you or a family member has cancer
It is important to ask about costs before you start your treatment.
Some people can get help if they need to travel for treatment or medical appointments.
There are times when you may want advice or help with financial, legal or work matters.
There may be ways to get help around the home if you are struggling to cope.
Talk to your doctor for advice if you want to travel.

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Looking after your general health is important, even when you have cancer.
There are ways to deal with some of the emotional effects of having cancer.
Your doctors will send you for tests to check what is causing your symptoms.
There are several types of cancer treatment, and most people with cancer have one or more of these.