Bile duct cancer

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People from some communities may need extra information and support when they have cancer.

The information on this site is suitable for anyone affected by cancer. However, this section has additional information for:

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
  • multicultural communities
  • people in rural and remote areas.

Use this section to help you find the information that is right for you.

Support for everyone

Choose the option that best suits your situation

Find information and support for Aboriginal people
Understand how living outside Australia's major cities can affect your health care
Find information and support for people from non-English speaking communities

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Your doctors work out whether you have cancer from your symptoms and test results.
Understand your treatment plan, what treatment involves, and how to manage side effects.
Cancer can affect you physically and emotionally, but there are ways to find support.
Having cancer can cause a number of practical issues, like managing costs, work and transport.