Anal cancer

Cancer risk

Anal cancer

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Even if you have already been treated for cancer, reducing your risk factors may lower the chance of your cancer coming back.

You might also want to talk to your family members about reducing their cancer risk.

What are risk factors?

A risk factor is something that increases your chance of getting cancer. 

Having a risk factor doesn't mean you will definitely develop cancer but it means you are more likely to get it than someone without the risk factor. For example, people who smoke cigarettes are much more likely to get lung cancer than those who don’t.

Anal cancer risk factors

There are some factors that can increase the risk of developing anal cancer. These include:

  • having the human papillomavirus (HPV) or genital warts
  • having a weakened immune system, e.g. people with HIV
  • having anal intercourse
  • a history of cervical, vaginal or vulval cancer
  • smoking.

Reducing your anal cancer risk

Most anal cancers are caused by infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV).

Vaccines are available in Australia that protect against many types of HPV infections. These are currently offered to high school students as part of the National HPV Vaccination Program.

Practising safe sex, i.e. using a condom, can also reduce your risk of getting HPV.

Reducing your cancer risk

Improving your lifestyle is an important way to lower your chance of developing cancer. Taking care of yourself in this way can also have other positive effects on your health.

Things you can do include:

  • eating a healthy, well balanced diet
  • staying active and exercising regularly
  • don’t smoke
  • limiting how much alcohol you drink
  • maintaining a healthy weight
  • protecting your skin from too much sun.

Where to get help

There are people you can talk to for more information or support.

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